Monday, January 31, 2011

My Daily Green Juice

Juicing is the best way to increase your life force energy. When we juice fruits and vegetables (using a juicer not blender) we separate the fiber, leaving the liquid containing live enzymes, chlorophyll, and vitamins and minerals. Removing the fibers, allows the nutrients to be released immediately into your cells and bloodstream in a form that is easy to assimilate.

Try juicing and you won’t turn back! It will help your body heal; it’s a great tool for weight loss, detoxification and maintaining a healthier lifestyle!

Love this combination! So refreshing that I make it every day!

2 bunches of  kale
1 bunch of celery
1 apple
6 carrots
1 cucumber

Let me know what you think!!!

*If you do not own a juicer, then blend in a high speed blender and pour into a nut milk bag to strain it.  You only want the juice.  Nut milk bag can be found at most health food store.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When to Buy Organic

I try to buy organic when possible, but buying all organic gets very expensive. 
 Like most people, I am always looking to save money where ever I can.  

Here is two list showing the produce that you should always buy organic
and then another list where you can save a little by buying non organic.   

Spend/ Always go Organic with these foods:

Imported grapes, celery, strawberries, blueberries, bell peppers, cherries, peaches, apples, nectarines, kale, spinach and potatoes.

Save Money/ Non organic considered clean:

Honeydew melon, onions, avocado, sweet corn, mangoes, pineapple, sweet peas, kiwifruit, asparagus, cabbage, eggplant, sweet potato, cantaloupe, watermelon and grapefruit.

*The non organic list is considered clean foods, they absorb lower levels of pesticides. 

*Always scrub the outside of your produce to remove as much as possible of  the pesticide residue. 

This study was published in the Prevention Magazine July 2010