The economic downturn has effected everyone,
especially small businesses.
Take a moment to think of three stores you would miss if they disappeared, then remember to return there.
We have become so rooted in thinking about the essentials that we have forgotten about the little gift store on the corner whose owner remembers our name.
The 3/50 Project supports independent, locally owned businesses by inspiring consumer loyalty to the storefronts that directly fund their communities.
Fifty comes from the idea that if even half the employed population spent a mere $50 per month in locally owned retail stores, those purchases would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue.
Sixty-eight dollars remains in a communityʼs economy for every $100 spent in locally owned stores. $43 per one hundred remains local when spent in national chains; little or no revenue results from online purchases.
Please stop in your favorite
hometown stores.
hometown stores.
They would love to see you.
While you are there please pick up a little
something that makes you smile.
That's what keeps them around, after all.
Pick 3. Spend $50. Save your local economy.
For more information check out their site the350project.net